Category: Activities

Graded Care Profile 2 - Quality of Care/Neglect Assessment Tool & Guidance
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Parents Individual work

Graded Care Profile 2 – Quality of Care/Neglect Assessment Tool & Guidance

The Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) is an updated version of the original Graded Care Profile tool, designed to assess the quality of care provided to an individual child over…

My Feelings Workbook for Children
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Wishes & Feelings

My Feelings Workbook for Children

This is a 15-page printable workbook to help children understand and manage their emotions, particularly anxiety and worry. It is designed to be completed by a child with guidance from…

Emotions Activities Workbook
Posted in _Everything Activities Anger Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health

Emotions Activities Workbook

This 9-page resource from Partnership for Children provides a diverse collection of printable activities to help children ages 5-11 explore emotions. It aims to build emotional literacy and resilience by…

Young person’s guide to understanding and coping with emotions
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Teens

Young person’s guide to understanding and coping with emotions

“These Things Called Emotions: A Young Person’s Guide to Understanding and Coping with Emotions” is a powerful and empowering resource for young individuals seeking to embrace their emotions with confidence…

Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Who Self-Injure
Posted in _Everything Activities Mental Health Self-harm

Free ‘Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Who Self-Injure’

“Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Who Self-Injure” is a valuable resource designed to help teenagers struggling with self-injury. Divided into sections, it offers a series of activities that…

Building Skills That Strengthen Resilience Adult/Young People's Guide
Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Mental Health Self-esteem

Building Skills That Strengthen Resilience Adult/Young People’s Guide

The Bouncing Back Workbook: Building Skills That Strengthen Resilience Adult/Young People’s Guide is a comprehensive and practical workbook designed to help individuals develop resilience and bounce back from life’s challenges….

Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Teens

The Grit Guide for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Build Perseverance, Self-Control & a Growth Mindset

“The Grit Guide for Teens” is a valuable workbook designed to help teenagers build essential character traits such as perseverance, self-control, and a growth mindset. The guide introduces the concept…

Teach Kids About Autism Kit for Kids Engaging Programme
Posted in _Everything Activities Autism & ADHD Disability & Health Group work Individual work

Teach Kids About Autism: Kit for Kids Engaging Programme

The “Teach Kids About Autism: Kit for Kids” is an engaging program designed to educate elementary and middle school students about autism and promote inclusivity in the classroom. The kit…

All Emotions are OK: Booklet for Children
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health

All Emotions are OK: Booklet for Children

“All Emotions are OK” is a heartfelt booklet designed for children and their families to explore and embrace a wide range of emotions. The booklet is divided into three sections:…

How to beat anxiety: Self help workbook for children
Posted in _Everything Activities Anxiety Individual work Mental Health

How to beat anxiety: Self help workbook for children

“How to Beat Anxiety: Self-Help Workbook for Children” is a comprehensive resource designed to assist children in managing and overcoming anxiety. The workbook is divided into six weekly sections, each…

"Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets" is a comprehensive resource that supports the Strengthening Families Program for children aged 7-17. The program aims to enhance family relationships and develop essential life skills in children. This booklet contains a wide range of handouts and worksheets organised into various lessons. Each lesson focuses on a specific aspect of family dynamics and personal development. The handouts and worksheets provided in this resource offer practical tools and activities that parents and caregivers can utilise to engage their children in meaningful discussions and promote positive behavior. They encourage the development of essential pro-social skills necessary for successful life outcomes. Click here to view/download CONTENTS: INTRODUCTIONThe Happy Family—Healthy Brain ConnectionEssential SkillsKeeping Your Family Safe and HappyFamily Conversation JarPlanning for Family DinnersMy TimeStomping the ANTsUnderstanding Brain DevelopmentHow to Have a Healthy BrainFour Family FunMindfulness, Part 1Mindfulness, Part 2Mindfulness, Part 3Mindfulness, Part 4 LESSON 1Look for and Compliment the Good DailyLook for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—AdultLook for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—ChildLook for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—TeenThe Power of Praising and Ignoring40 Phrases That PraiseThree Easy Instant Stress-BustersWhat Makes Our Family Strong—Our Family TreeWhat Makes Our Family Strong—Family Tree LeavesWhat Makes Our Family Strong—Personal and Family StrengthsLesson 1 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life LESSON 2Communicate with Love and UnderstandingThree Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—AdultThree Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—TeenThree Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—ChildThe Listening StickBeing Assertive Pays OffBanishing Communication Boulders—The Dirty DozenBanishing Communication Boulders—Family AgreementBanishing Communication Boulders GameFamily Meeting Agenda and RulesApologiesForgivenessTips for Talking with TeensSafe and Cool ConversationsThe Problem PassLesson 2 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life LESSON 3The Five Rs for a Happy HomeOur Family Rules!Family-Friendly Rules, Tracking Sheet—TeenFamily-Friendly Rules, Tracking Sheet—ChildTrack and Reward for Good BehaviorMaking Rewards RewardingReward JarFamily Responsibilities and ChoresChore ChartWhat Chores Can Young Kids Do?Stress-Busting RoutinesHappy Family RitualsTrack and Reward for Good Behavior—Bee Good ChartTrack and Reward for Good Behavior—High-5sTrack and Reward for Good Behavior—Brain Gain ChartTrack and Reward for Good Behavior—Earning Your StripesRewards SpinnerLesson 3 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life LESSON 4Limits and ConsequencesPositive DisciplineChoosing Effective Negative ConsequencesChore JarCalm Consequences Reduce Conflict, Tracking Sheet—AdultI Stayed Calm! Tracking Sheet—TeenI Stayed Calm! Tracking Sheet—ChildLesson 4 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful LifeSkills for Successful Parenting—Handling Stressful SituationsSkills for Successful Parenting—Correcting BehaviorTrack and Reward for Positive Practice—Brain Gain ChartTrack and Reward Positive Practice—High-5sTrack and Reward for Positive Practice—Bee Good Chart LESSON 5Problem Solving and Negotiation SkillsProblem Solving WorksheetWin-Win Negotiation WorksheetPre-Problem Solving StepsPre-Problem Solving WorksheetThe 5 Cs to Stay Smart and SafeLesson 5 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life LESSON 6Stress and Anger Management SkillsManaging Stress—Causes, Symptoms, ReducersManaging Stress—Relaxation TechniquesManaging Stress—Stress TestCalm Anger by Rethinking Your “Stories”Tracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Five Simple StepsTracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Applying the StepsTracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Worksheet for KidsStep Out of Anger—InstructionsStep Out of Anger—Step OneStep Out of Anger—Step TwoStep Out of Anger—Step ThreeStep Out of Anger—Step FourStep Out of Anger—Step FiveFace Up to Your FeelingsFamily Agreement for Dealing with ConflictBuilding Emotional ControlLesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 1Lesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 2Lesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 3 LESSON 7Goals and Contracts to Change BehaviorHelping Kids Change for the BetterAchieving My Goals and DreamsMaking S.M.A.R.T. GoalsMy GoalsContract for ChangeAssessing Strengthsand SkillsTime Master—Achieving Your GoalsTips for School SuccessMy Homework RoutineBudget and Tracking SheetLesson 7 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 1Lesson 7 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 2Discover and Share Your Talents and Gifts LESSON 8No Alcohol, Tobacco or Other Drugs (A.T.O.D.)Keeping Kids Alcohol- and Drug-FreeAlcohol Harms a Teen’s Developing BrainMarijuana Harms Brain DevelopmentI Can Have a Healthy, Powerful BrainFamily Protective StrategiesThe 5 Cs to Stay Smart and SafeFamily Freedom PledgeFreedom Pledge to Never Drink and DriveLesson 8 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful LifeThe Risks of Prescription Drug Abuse LESSON 9Choosing Good Friends and Monitoring ActivitiesThe 5 Cs to Stay Smart and SafeMaking and Becoming a Good FriendI Can Be a Good FriendStop Bullying!Monitoring Kids’ ActivitiesAssess Your Child’s Risk for A.T.O.D. useLesson 9 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life LESSON 10Values, Traditions, and ServiceFun Family TraditionsI Can ContributeI Have Power to Do GoodShield Your Family by Sharing Your ValuesKeeping the Changes We’ve MadeLesson 10 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful LifeTalking with Your Kids about Sex MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIP TIPS1 Creating Stable Families, Part 12 Creating Stable Families, Part 2 (Foundation, romance wheel, fence)3 Creating Stable Families, Part 3 (House)4 Couple’s Time: Questions to Reconnect5 Making Happy Marriages, Part 1 (Skills and attitudes)6 Making Happy Marriages, Part 2 (Plan for increasing love, correcting errors)7 Making Happy Marriages, Part 3 (Tips for dealing with toxic behavior) Click here to view/download
Posted in _Everything Activities Group work Individual work Parenting Parenting Guides

Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets

“Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets” is a comprehensive resource that supports the Strengthening Families Program for children aged 7-17. The program aims to enhance family relationships and develop essential…

When parents take drugs: Booklet for young children, teens & parents
Posted in _Everything Activities Drugs Individual work

When parents take drugs: Booklet for young children, teens & parents

The “When Parents Take Drugs” booklet is a valuable resource designed to help children understand and cope with a parent or caregiver’s drug or alcohol use. This booklet provides guidance…

My First Safety Book: Safety Planning Information for Parents of Children ages 4-7
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Individual work Sexual abuse

My First Safety Book: Safety Planning Information for Parents of Children ages 4-7

The “My First Safety Book” is an engaging activity book designed for parents to work on with their children aged 4-7, fostering their safety awareness and skills through age-appropriate activities….

A Terrible Thing Happened: A Child's Story About Overcoming Trauma
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Storybooks Trauma

A Terrible Thing Happened: A Child’s Story About Overcoming Trauma

“A Terrible Thing Happened” is a powerful and compassionate children’s story that addresses the impact of trauma. Through the experiences of Sherman Smith, the book explores the emotional struggles faced…

The Don't Worry Book for Children
Posted in _Everything Activities Anxiety Individual work Mental Health Storybooks

The Don’t Worry Book for Young Children

“The Don’t Worry Book” by Tedd Parr is a delightful and supportive resource specifically designed for young children. With colourful illustrations and a child-friendly approach, this book aims to help…

The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Stress

Free ‘The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress’

“The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress” is a practical guide designed to assist teenagers in managing stress effectively. This workbook offers a…

The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food
Posted in _Everything Activities Eating Problems & Body Image Individual work Mental Health

Free ‘The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food’

“The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food” is a comprehensive guide designed to help teenagers overcome common eating challenges…

The Safety House: A child protection tool for involving Children in Safety Planning
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Individual work

The Safety House: A child protection tool for involving Children in Safety Planning

“The Safety House: Involving Children in Safety Planning” is a practical tool designed to engage children in the process of safety planning within child protection systems. Developed by Sonja Parker,…

Words Are Not for Hurting Book
Posted in _Everything Activities Child's behaviour Individual work Parenting Storybooks

Words Are Not for Hurting Book

“Words Are Not for Hurting” is a book aimed at children aged 4-7. It emphasises the importance of kind words and teaches children to think before they speak. The book…

The Anger Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Deal with Anger and Frustrations
Posted in _Everything Activities Anger Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Teens

The Anger Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Deal with Anger and Frustrations

The Anger Workbook for Teens is a valuable resource designed to help teenagers manage their anger effectively. With a focus on practical activities, this workbook provides teens with tools to…

A Self-Harm self-help workbook for young people in secondary school
Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Mental Health Self-harm

A Self-Harm self-help workbook for young people in secondary school

This self-help workbook provides information and advice about self-harm. Most importantly, it gives young people techniques and tools to keep themselves safe and helps reduce self-harming behavior, as well as…

The self-esteem workbook for teens: activities to help you build confidence & achieve your goals
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Self-esteem

The self-esteem workbook for teens: activities to help you build confidence & achieve your goals

“The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Build Confidence & Achieve Your Goals” is a practical guidebook designed to help teenagers build their self-esteem and develop a positive…

Family Mobile Phone Agreement
Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Online Safety Parenting

Family Mobile Phone Agreement

This document is designed to help parents and carers establish guidelines for their children on how to use their mobile phones responsibly and safely. As a child takes on the…

Strengthening Family Bonds: Relationship Building Activities for Parents/Carers and Children theraplay
Posted in _Everything Activities Adoption Adoption & Fostering Fostering Parenting

Strengthening Family Bonds: Relationship Building Activities for Parents/Carers and Children

‘Strengthening Family Bonds: Relationship Building Activities for Parents/Carers and Children’ is a straightforward and easy-to-follow guide filled with enjoyable techniques, games and ideas based on theraplay that help families grow…

My Anxiety Workbook: My toolkit for dealing with my worries, anxiety and stress
Posted in _Everything Activities Anxiety Children & Young people Mental Health

My Anxiety Workbook: My toolkit for dealing with my worries, anxiety and stress

“My Anxiety Workbook: My toolkit for dealing with my worries, anxiety and stress” is a comprehensive booklet designed specifically for older children to equip them with the necessary skills to…

Parent's Guide to Talking to Children About Alcohol and Drugs
Posted in _Everything Activities Alcohol Drugs Drugs: Children & Teenagers Individual work

Parent’s Guide to Talking to Children About Alcohol and Drugs

This guide is aimed at parents, guardians and others who care for children. It can help them to understand the risks related to alcohol and drug use in teenagers. It…

My Body is My Body: Musical Child Abuse Prevention Programme
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse Videos

My Body is My Body: Musical Child Abuse Prevention Programme

“My Body is My Body” Musical Child Abuse Prevention Programme is an amazing free musical animated program that provides a unique and engaging approach to discussing the difficult topic of…

Team Building Activities (Small & Large Groups)
Posted in _Everything Activities Group work

Team Building Activities (Small & Large Groups)

This booklet is designed for social workers and other practitioners looking for creative and engaging ways to promote teamwork and collaboration in various age groups. Whether working with younger children,…

Icebreakers for Children & Adults (Small & Large Groups)
Posted in _Everything Activities Group work

Icebreakers for Children & Adults (Small & Large Groups)

Our booklet of icebreaking activities is an essential resource for social workers and other practitioners who work with diverse groups of people of all ages. These activities can be used…

Managing emotions toolkit for children (worksheets & guidance)
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Mental Health

Managing emotions toolkit for children (worksheets & guidance)

This book is a guide for parents, social workers, and other professionals to help children deal with their emotions, specifically focusing on anger and anxiety. The book provides various tools…