Category: Activities

My Coping Toolbox booklet (ages 6-12)
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Mental Health

My Coping Toolbox booklet (ages 6-12)

“The My Coping Toolbox” booklet is a valuable resource designed for children aged 6-12 to learn and practice new ways to cope with difficult emotions such as worry, overwhelm, stress,…

Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse

Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships

“Boys 2: Workbook Supporting Boys to Develop Healthy Sexual Relationships” is a resource workbook developed as part of Barnardo’s BOYS 2 Research Project. The project aims to support professionals in…

Girls Talk: Workbook for girls engaging in harmful sexual behaviour
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse

Girls’ Talk: Workbook for girls engaging in harmful sexual behaviour

“Girls Talk: Workbook for Girls Engaging in Harmful Sexual Behaviour” is a comprehensive resource developed for professionals working with girls and young women who have displayed harmful sexual behavior. It…

A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger
Posted in _Everything Activities Anger Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health

A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger

“A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger” is a valuable resource that offers a clear and effective approach to understanding and managing children’s anger. This book provides…

Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Individual work

Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse

“Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse” is a comprehensive resource designed to assist professionals, caregivers, and individuals working with children and young people who have been impacted by…

Posted in _Everything Activities Mental Health Videos

100+ videos teaching children social & emotional skills

PBS Learning Media offers an extensive library of over 500 videos focused on fostering social and emotional development in young children. These videos are thoughtfully curated to support parents, educators,…

Family Meeting Parents' Guide & Templates
Posted in _Everything Activities Parenting Parenting Guides

Family Meeting Parents’ Guide & Templates

The Family Meeting Parents’ Guide & Templates is a valuable resource for social workers working with families. It provides practical information, step-by-step instructions, and templates to support parents and carers…

Three Islands templates activity social worker children voice wishes and feelings
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Individual work Wishes & Feelings

Three Islands Activity guidance, template & record sheets

The Three Islands is a fun and interactive direct work activity for social workers and practitioners to engage children in exploring their preferences, views, wishes and concerns. This activity enables…

Stress Management Wellbeing Workbooks
Posted in _Everything Activities Mental Health Stress

Stress Management Wellbeing Workbooks

The Stress Management Wellbeing Workbooks are designed to help individuals learn about stress and develop strategies to reduce worry and anxiety. There are four workbooks in total, each taking around…

Mindful Coloring A Simple & Fun Way to Reduce the Stress in Your Life
Posted in _Everything Activities Mental Health Stress

Colouring books for mindfulness and relaxation

Positive Affirmation & Motivational Coloring Sheets The “Positive Affirmation & Motivational Coloring Sheets” combine art and mental wellness to help people feel calm, confident, and relaxed. With uplifting messages and…

"My child is..." parent questionnaire
Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Parenting

“My child is…” parent questionnaire

The “My Child Is…” parent questionnaire is a valuable tool that enables social workers to gain insight into the thoughts and perspectives of parents. This concise one-page sheet provides an…

Dealing with Trauma: A TF-CBT Workbook for Teens
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Individual work Mental Health Trauma

Dealing with Trauma: A TF-CBT Workbook for Teens

The Dealing with Trauma: A TF-CBT Workbook for Teens is a valuable resource designed to assist therapists in working with teenagers who have experienced one or more traumatic events. This…

All about me: Direct work sheets & activities (booklet)
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Wishes & Feelings

All about me: Direct work sheets & activities (booklet)

The All About Me: Direct Work Sheets & Activities booklet is an engaging and interactive resource developed by With 40 thoughtfully designed sheets, it aims to prioritise the voice…

Promoting Emotional Resilience in Children: A Resource Pack
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Group work Individual work Mental Health

Promoting Emotional Resilience in Children: A Resource Pack

The “Promoting Emotional Resilience in Children: A Resource Pack” is a comprehensive collection of materials and information aimed at supporting the development of emotional resilience in children. This pack offers…

Child and Youth Participation Toolkit (wishes/feelings direct work worksheets/activities)
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Individual work Wishes & Feelings

Child and Youth Participation Toolkit (wishes/feelings direct work worksheets/activities)

The Child and Youth Participation Toolkit, developed by Tusla Child and Family Agency, is an invaluable resource designed to facilitate meaningful engagement with children and young people. This comprehensive toolkit…

Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Wishes & Feelings

30+ tools for 1:1 work with children (assessment, planning & intervention)

The Kids Central Toolkit aims to provide workers and services with information, resources and tools to use child-centred approaches in their work with children, young people and families. The Toolkit…

Programme for victims and survivors of domestic abuse - The Power to Change
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents Group work

Programme for victims and survivors of domestic abuse – The Power to Change

The Power to Change booklet is a valuable resource for setting up and running support groups for domestic violence survivors. It covers topics such as facilitator competencies, group development and…

Adolescent family violence intervention program: Step-UP
Posted in _Everything Activities Child's behaviour Group work Parenting Teens

Adolescent family violence intervention program: Step-UP

Step-Up is a nationally recognized adolescent family violence intervention program that provides valuable resources for social workers and other practitioners working with youth and families. The program is designed to…

Heads Up! A toolkit of sessions to run with young people to promote mental health & emotional well-being
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Group work Mental Health Teens

Heads Up! A toolkit of sessions to run with young people to promote mental health & emotional well-being

“Heads Up! A Toolkit of Sessions to Run with Young People to Promote Mental Health & Emotional Well-being” is a comprehensive resource designed to support professionals working with young people…

Posted in Activities Assessment Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Individual work Wishes & Feelings

My feelings workbook: naming & exploring emotions

The “My Feelings Workbook” is a powerful resource designed to help children recognise and explore their emotions. This book aims to support children in the healing process by teaching them…

Post-natal Depression Self Help Workbook: Gaining control of your life after having a baby
Posted in _Everything Activities Depression Individual work Mental Health

Post-natal Depression Self Help Workbook: Gaining control of your life after having a baby

The Post-natal Depression Self Help Workbook is a valuable resource for women who are experiencing mild to moderate depression during or after pregnancy, as well as those recovering from severe…

Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work

Feelings cards; naming feelings

Social workers can use the Feelings Cards: Naming Feelings Poster in various ways to support children’s emotional development and enhance their understanding of feelings. Here are some suggestions: Individual Sessions:…

Domestic abuse: educational toolkit - activities & resources for children/young people
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Group work Individual work

Domestic abuse: educational toolkit – activities & resources for children/young people

The “Spiralling” educational toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to address and prevent domestic abuse among children and young people. It features a compelling short film that portrays an abusive…

This is my World: Gathering child's views on self, family, friendships, school, illness & the future
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Wishes & Feelings

This is my World: Gathering child’s views on self, family, friendships, school, illness & the future

“This is My World” is an invaluable workbook created to support therapists in their work with children and adolescents diagnosed with a medical illness. The workbook contains a range of activities…

The parents protect! Video for parents/carers about child sexual abuse
Posted in _Everything Activities Individual work Videos

The parents protect! Video for parents/carers about child sexual abuse

“The Parents Protect!” is a video designed for parents and carers to raise awareness about child sexual abuse. With a duration of just over 29 minutes, this video provides a…

Stay Safe Programme resources
Posted in _Everything Activities Group work Safety

Stay Safe Programme resources

The Stay Safe Programme provides a range of resources designed to promote safety and well-being among children. The resources are originally intended for use in classes or groups, but can…

Education on puberty for 10-14yrs old: Busy Bodies Programme 
Posted in _Everything Activities

Education on puberty for 10-14yrs old: Busy Bodies Programme 

The Busy Bodies Adolescent Development Programme is an educational resource designed to provide information on puberty to children aged between 10 and 14 years old. It consists of a booklet…

A Workbook of Activities Designed to Strengthen Family Relationships
Posted in _Everything Activities Parenting

A Workbook of Activities Designed to Strengthen Family Relationships

Strengthening Family Ties: A Workbook of Activities Designed to Strengthen Family Relationships offers a collection of enjoyable activities to enhance family functioning in five key areas: Building Trust, Family Support,…

6 session feelings programme for children affected by domestic abuse
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

6 session feelings programme for children affected by domestic abuse

The 6 session Feelings Programme is a structured guide designed to help children and young people who have been affected by domestic abuse develop a better understanding of their emotions…

Young people’s safety questionnaire/toolkit
Posted in _Everything Activities Safety Teens

Young people’s safety questionnaire/toolkit

The Young People’s Safety Questionnaire/Toolkit is a valuable resource for professionals working with young people aged 13 to 18. Its purpose is to initiate discussions about safety in a non-accusatory…