Category: CSE

Safety Plan – A Guide for Young People Facing Relationship Abuse pdf download
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse

Safety Plan – A Guide for Young People Facing Relationship Abuse

The NSPCC Safety Plan is a practical resource designed to help young people experiencing relationship abuse find ways to keep themselves safe and supported. It provides step-by-step guidance on recognising…

What is Sexual Consent? - Easy read booklet pdf
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Group work Individual work Sexual abuse

Free UK Sexual Consent Resouces for Young People, Professionals, Parents: Worksheets, Quizzes, Guides & Videos

This page provides free UK resources on sexual consent for young people, parents, and professionals. Explore a variety of worksheets, quizzes, guides, and videos designed to educate about consent, healthy…

Me, Myself and My Body: Free Activity Pack to Learn about Personal Safety
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Individual work Sexual abuse

Me, Myself and My Body: Free Activity Pack to Learn about Personal Safety

“Me, Myself and My Body: Free Activity Pack to Learn about Personal Safety” is a creatively designed activity pack that focuses on teaching children about body autonomy and safety in…

Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Teens Videos

Child Sexual Exploitation Educational Videos

The Story of Jay This short animated video, just a minute and a half long, shares a made-up story about a young person who faces sexual exploitation by someone named…

Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse

Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships

“Boys 2: Workbook Supporting Boys to Develop Healthy Sexual Relationships” is a resource workbook developed as part of Barnardo’s BOYS 2 Research Project. The project aims to support professionals in…

Exploring Healthy Relationships: Resource Pack for 14-16 year olds
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse

Exploring Healthy Relationships: Resource Pack for 14-16 year olds

Introducing the Exploring Healthy Relationships Resource Pack, a comprehensive toolkit designed for 14-16 year olds. Created by young people, this resource aims to prevent domestic violence, promote healthy relationships, and…

Teen relationship abuse: Safety Plan
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Sexual abuse Teens

Teen relationship abuse: Safety Plan

The Teen Relationship Abuse Safety Plan is a comprehensive and practical guide specifically designed to assist teenagers who are experiencing abuse in their relationships. The safety plan focuses on different…

The Teen Relationship Workbook: for professionals helping teens to develop healthy relationships and prevent domestic abuse; 68 worksheets
Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents Group work Teens

The Teen Relationship Workbook: for professionals helping teens to develop healthy relationships and prevent domestic abuse; 68 worksheets

The Teen Relationship Workbook is a valuable resource designed for professionals working with teenagers to address and prevent relationship abuse. With a collection of 68 worksheets, this workbook can be…

What to do if your child goes missing: Practical advice for parents and carers booklet
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse

What to do if your child goes missing: Practical advice for parents and carers booklet

“What to do if your child goes missing: Practical advice for parents and carers” is a comprehensive booklet that provides practical guidance and support to parents and carers when their…

Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Group work

Friend or Foe, Who can you trust? A sexual exploitation and relationships education programme

The 94-page Friend or Foe educational resource pack was created by Taking Stock, part of the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board Sexual Exploitation Service, to raise awareness of sexual exploitation among…

Sexual exploitation: Sex, Secrets and Lies - Guide for young people
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Teens

Sexual exploitation: Sex, Secrets and Lies – Guide for young people

This is a 12-page informational booklet created by Barnardo’s Cymru to raise awareness about child sexual exploitation among youth. It uses simple language and colourful graphics to explain what sexual…

Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Videos

The Story of Jay (CSE video for teens)

This animated video – about a minute and a half long – tells the hypothetical story of a young person’s sexual exploitation by a man named “Jay,” describing the grooming…