Category: _Everything

Posted in _Everything Activities Drugs Drugs: Children & Teenagers

Get It Straight – The Facts About Drugs Facilitator & Student Guides

Get It Straight! is an informative, interactive 10-day programme designed to challenge the idea that drugs are harmless and teach the harmful health and societal effects of drug abuse. Facilitators…

Growing up drug free: A parent's guide to prevention
Posted in _Everything Drugs Drugs: Adults Drugs: Children & Teenagers Teens

Growing up drug free: A parent’s guide to prevention

This resource, titled “Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent’s Guide to Prevention,” is a comprehensive guide designed to help parents navigate the challenges of raising children without the influence of…

Little eyes, little ears: How violence against mother shapes children as they grow (Booklet)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Little eyes, little ears: How violence against mother shapes children as they grow (Booklet)

This resource, titled “Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against a Mother Shapes Children as They Grow,” is a valuable tool for social workers and professionals. It provides essential insights…

How it looks to me (Assessing wishes & feelings worksheets)
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Wishes & Feelings

How it looks to me (Assessing wishes & feelings worksheets)

The Child Impact Tool  is an interactive and colourful booklet developed by CAFCASS which empowers social workers by facilitating direct communication with children, enabling them to express wishes and feelings…

When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer: A Guide for Teens
Posted in _Everything Disability & Health Other Teens

When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer: A Guide for Teens

The “When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer: A Guide for Teens,” is a resource provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. It…

Lemons or Lemonade?: An Anger Workbook for Teens
Posted in _Everything Activities Anger Mental Health Teens

Lemons or Lemonade?: An Anger Workbook for Teens

“Lemons or Lemonade? An Anger Workbook for Teens” is a valuable resource authored by Jane F. Gilgun, PhD, LICSW, aimed at helping adolescents understand and effectively manage their anger. This…

My Going to Surgery Book (Read-along colouring book for kids)
Posted in _Everything Disability & Health

My Going to Surgery Book (Read-along colouring book for kids)

This  coloring book is designed to help prepare children and their families for surgery. The book aims to educate children on what to expect before, during, and after surgery in…

The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities To Nurture Developing Minds
Posted in _Everything Parenting Parenting Guides Stimulation

The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities To Nurture Developing Minds

The “Whole-Brain Child Workbook” is a practical resource for social workers, therapist and other professionals working with children. Authored by Dan Siegel, MD, and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, this workbook…

When a parent is depressed – what kids want to know (Guide)
Posted in _Everything Depression Mental Health

When a parent is depressed – what kids want to know (Guide)

This guide, titled “When a Parent is Depressed – What Kids Want to Know,” aims to assist adults in addressing children’s questions and concerns when a parent is dealing with…

When a parent has bipolar disorder – what kids want to know (Guide)
Posted in _Everything Ilnesses & Disorders Mental Health

When a parent has bipolar disorder – what kids want to know (Guide)

This guide, titled “When a parent has bipolar disorder – what kids want to know,” is a valuable resource for parents and social workers who need to have conversations with…

When a parent has experienced psychosis – what kids want to know (Guide)
Posted in _Everything Mental Health

When a parent has experienced psychosis – what kids want to know (Guide)

This brochure from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health aims to help children understand psychosis and support families when a parent has experienced psychosis. Psychosis is explained as a…

Feeling good: promoting children's mental health (activity sheets for children)
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Mental Health

Feeling good: promoting children’s mental health (activity sheets for children)

This resource aims to promote positive mental health in young children aged 4-7 years old. It includes a set of 6 activity sheets with illustrations, guidance notes for parents, and…

Posted in _Everything Activities CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Online Safety Storybooks

Zoe and Molly Online – Comic book about online sexual exploitation (ages 9–10)

This comic book, developed by Canadian Centre for Child Protection, is based on a true case submitted to – Canada’s national tipline to report the online sexual exploitation of…

Posted in _Everything Activities CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Group work

Friend or Foe, Who can you trust? A sexual exploitation and relationships education programme

The 94-page Friend or Foe educational resource pack was created by Taking Stock, part of the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board Sexual Exploitation Service, to raise awareness of sexual exploitation among…

My Feelings Activity Book For Children 3–6 Years Old
Posted in _Everything Activities Children & Young people Mental Health

My Feelings Activity Book For Children 3–6 Years Old

My Feelings Activity Book is a 19-page illustrated resource designed to help children ages 3-6 identify and express their emotions. The book uses simple language and engaging activities to teach…

Explore your emotions - coloring & activity book
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Wishes & Feelings

Explore your emotions – coloring & activity book

This activity book is a tool for children to express their emotions and encourages them to share with a trusted adult. It covers a range of emotions, from happiness to…

Pictures of My Journey - Activity book for kids with cancer
Posted in _Everything Activities Disability & Health Other

Pictures of My Journey – Activity book for kids with cancer

Pictures of My Journey is a 28-page illustrated activity book created by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for children ages 5-12 undergoing cancer treatment. The book uses engaging activities like…

What's the problem? A guide for parents of children and young people who have got in trouble online
Posted in _Everything CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Online Safety

What’s the problem? A guide for parents of children and young people who have got in trouble online

The guide titled “What’s the Problem? A Guide for Parents of Children and Young People Who Have Got in Trouble Online” is a 32-page booklet addressing challenges parents may encounter…

Sexual exploitation: Sex, Secrets and Lies - Guide for young people
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Teens

Sexual exploitation: Sex, Secrets and Lies – Guide for young people

This is a 12-page informational booklet created by Barnardo’s Cymru to raise awareness about child sexual exploitation among youth. It uses simple language and colourful graphics to explain what sexual…

My living positively hand-book (Workbook for children with HIV)
Posted in _Everything Activities Disability & Health

My living positively hand-book (Workbook for children with HIV)

The “My Living Positively Handbook” is a purposeful workbook designed for children living with HIV. Created collaboratively by children, families, healthcare professionals, educators, and counselors, this workbook offers easy-to-understand content…

Posted in _Everything Law (UK) Parenting Parenting Guides

Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the (UK) law

This booklet is for parents and carers. Its aim is to help them know when the law has something to say about their families’ day-to-day lives. Equally important, it helps…

An image vocabulary/PECS symbols for children about: feelings, rights and safety, personal care and sexuality (booklet)
Posted in _Everything Activities

An image vocabulary/PECS symbols for children about: feelings, rights and safety, personal care and sexuality (booklet)

The “Image Vocabulary/PECS symbols for Children about Feelings, Rights and Safety, Personal Care and Sexuality” is an innovative and child-centric booklet featuring 380 images categorised into five sections: Feelings Rights…

Positive parenting: how to set boundaries and build positive relationships (Guide for parents)
Posted in _Everything Child's behaviour Parenting Parenting Guides

Positive parenting: how to set boundaries and build positive relationships (Guide for parents)

The “Positive Parenting Need-to-know guides” by NSPCC offer invaluable advice for parents and carers. This resource covers a range of topics such as understanding your child’s needs, setting boundaries, and…

Handle with care: a guide to keeping your baby safe (Guide for parents)
Posted in _Everything Parenting Parenting Guides

Handle with care: a guide to keeping your baby safe (Guide for parents)

The “Handle with Care: How to Keep Your Baby Safe” guide by NSPCC is a comprehensive resource for parents and carers who want to ensure their baby’s safety and well-being….

Posted in _Everything Parenting Parenting Guides

Home alone guide: is my child ready to be left alone? (Guide for parents)

There is no legal age at which children may be left home alone, but parents can be prosecuted for neglect if it puts them at risk of injury or suffering….

Posted in _Everything CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Online Safety Parenting Parenting Guides

Help keep children safe online (guide for parents)

The “Parents’ Guide to Being Share Aware” is an essential handbook aimed at helping parents navigate the complexities of keeping their children safe online. Specifically tailored for parents of children…

Posted in _Everything Parenting Parenting Guides

Out alone guide: is my child ready to go out alone? (Guide for parents)

The “Out Alone Guide: Is My Child Ready to Go Out Alone?” is a valuable resource for parents who are navigating the challenging decision of allowing their child to venture…

Solution-focused practice - A toolkit for children & young people (44 tools, games, activities, exercises) direct work wishes feelings
Posted in _Everything Activities Assessment Assessment: Children Assessment: Wishes & Feelings Teens Wishes & Feelings

Solution-focused practice – A toolkit for children & young people (44 tools, games, activities, exercises)

The “Solution-focused Practice – A Toolkit for Children & Young People” is a practical guide developed by NSPCC for professionals who work with children and young people between the ages…

Posted in _Everything Parenting Storybooks

Smoking and Quitting: Clean Air for All (educational storybook)

The “Smoking and Quitting: Clean Air for All” is an educational storybook designed to answer children’s questions about smoking, particularly when a parent or adult in their life smokes cigarettes….

Posted in _Everything Activities Teens

Favourite therapeutic activities for children, adolescents and families: Practitioners share their most effective interventions

Navigating the emotional and mental well-being of children, adolescents, and families requires a variety of approaches. The complexities often demand more than a one-size-fits-all solution. This free eBook, “Favourite Therapeutic…