Category: _Everything

Posted in _Everything Activities Group work

40 Icebreakers for Small Groups

These 40 icebreakers are simple to use and suitable for a wide age range. They are great with a small youth group and can be used an a small space!…

Posted in _Everything Autism & ADHD Disability & Health Learning Difficulties Other Parenting Parenting - Disability Teens

Growing up, sex and relationships information leaflet for disabled young people

This leaflet serves as a helpful guide specifically designed for disabled young people to learn about growing up, sex, and relationships. Whether you’re into team sports, have a passion for…

Posted in _Everything Autism & ADHD Disability & Health Learning Difficulties Other Parenting Parenting - Disability

Growing up, sex and relationships – a guide for parents of young disabled people

The guide aims to provide comprehensive advice and tips to parents of disabled children about sex and relationships. When we say ‘disabled children,’ we mean children who may have any…

Posted in _Everything Parenting Parenting Guides

Safe sleep for your baby booklet – cot death prevention

The easy read pamphlet outlines important practices for reducing the risk of sudden infant death. Key recommendations include placing babies on their backs to sleep, using a crib or cot…

Posted in _Everything Assessment Assessment: Parents

Parenting worksheets (assessment tool)

The tool covers various aspects of parenting including communication, emotional development, boundaries, behavior, play/stimulation, stability, and the effects of drugs/alcohol. They encourage reflection on one’s own childhood and parenting approaches….

Posted in _Everything Mental Health Suicide

How to support someone who feels suicidal booklet

This booklet explains how to support someone who feels suicidal, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support. Contents What are suicidal feelings?…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health Suicide

How to cope with suicidal feelings booklet

This booklet explains why you may have suicidal feelings and provides some options to help you look forward and break the cycle of your negative thoughts. Contents What are suicidal feelings?Why do I…

How to manage stress booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health Stress

How to manage stress booklet

The booklet provides comprehensive information on stress, its causes, impacts, and ways to manage it. It covers the nature of stress as the reaction when we feel threatened or overwhelmed….

How to cope with sleep problems booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health Sleep Problems

How to cope with sleep problems booklet

The booklet offers comprehensive guidance on coping with sleep problems related to mental health. It clearly defines common sleep issues like insomnia, oversleeping, nightmares and sleep paralysis. The interrelationship between…

Understanding self-harm booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health Self-harm

Understanding self-harm booklet

This 17-page guide from the mental health charity Mind offers comprehensive information on self-harm, including possible causes, ways to manage urges, and avenues for support. It explains self-harm is often…

How to increase your self-esteem booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health Self-esteem

How to increase your self-esteem booklet

The booklet from the mental health charity Mind offers comprehensive guidance on improving self-esteem. It clearly defines self-esteem and analyses its relationship with mental health difficulties like depression. The booklet…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding schizophrenia booklet

This booklet explains what schizophrenia is, its causes and how it is treated. It also offers practical suggestions for self-help, and information for friends and family. Contents What is schizophrenia? What causes schizophrenia?…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding schizoaffective disorder booklet

This booklet is for people who have been given a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder, and their friends and  relatives. It explains what the disorder is, and the types of treatment and support available….

Posted in _Everything Mental Health Stress Trauma

Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder booklet

This booklet is for anyone who experiences post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It explains what PTSD is and the different types of treatment available. It also suggests ways you can help yourself, and what friends…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding psychosis booklet

This booklet is for anyone who experiences or has experienced psychosis, and their friends and family. It explains what psychosis is, what may cause it and what might help. Contents What is psychosis?…

Posted in _Everything Depression Mental Health

Understanding postnatal depression booklet

This booklet explains the possible causes of postnatal depression (PND), what signs to look out for, what might help and what support is available. It also includes some information about other postnatal mental health…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding paranoia booklet

This booklet is for anyone who experiences paranoia. It explains what paranoia is and what may cause it. It  describes self-help techniques, treatment options and how friends and family can help. Contents What…

Posted in _Everything Mental Health

How to cope with hearing voices booklet

This booklet is for anyone who hears voices and wants to understand why and what things might help if their voices are a problem, and their friends and family. Contents What are voices?…

Posted in _Everything Eating Problems & Body Image Mental Health

Understanding eating problems booklet

This booklet is for anyone who is worried about an eating problem. It describes common eating disorders and what might cause them. It also provides information on how you can…

Posted in _Everything Ilnesses & Disorders Mental Health

Understanding bipolar disorder booklet

This booklet is for anyone experiencing bipolar disorder. It explains what bipolar disorder is, and how you can help yourself cope. It also explains what kinds of treatment are available, and…

Posted in _Everything Anger Mental Health Parenting Parenting Guides

How to deal with anger booklet

Many people have trouble managing their anger. This is for anyone who wants to learn how to deal with it in a constructive and healthy way. It is also for anyone…

Posted in _Everything Depression Mental Health

Understanding depression booklet

This booklet describes the symptoms of depression and the different kinds of treatment available. It suggests ways that individuals can help themselves, and what family and friends can do. Contents What is…

Posted in _Everything Anxiety Mental Health

Understanding anxiety and panic attacks booklet

This booklet is aimed at anyone who experiences anxiety. It looks into the causes of anxiety, its effects and what to do to reduce it to a manageable level. It also…

Understanding mental health problems booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding mental health problems booklet

This booklet is an introduction to the most common mental health problems, explaining what they are, their possible causes and what help is available. It is written for people who have…

Understanding personality disorders booklet
Posted in _Everything Mental Health

Understanding personality disorders booklet

The guide from the mental health charity Mind offers information on personality disorders, their connection to mental health problems, and possible causes. It explains personality disorders involve persistent difficulties relating…

The safe parenting handbook
Posted in _Everything Bullying Child's behaviour Parenting Parenting Guides

The safe parenting handbook

This resource is a handbook aimed at providing parents and caregivers with guidance on various aspects of raising children safely and positively. It covers a wide range of topics relevant…

Positive Discipline: A Guide for Parents
Posted in _Everything Child's behaviour Parenting Parenting Guides

Positive Discipline: A Guide for Parents

“Positive Discipline: A Guide for Parents” is a concise resource offering practical strategies for parents to navigate common parenting experiences. This guide focuses on the developmental stages from infancy to…

What is dementia? - Booklet about dementia for adults who have a learning disability or young children
Posted in _Everything Mental Health

What is dementia? – Booklet about dementia for adults who have a learning disability or young children

“What is dementia? – Booklet about dementia for adults who have a learning disability or young children” is a concise and accessible resource designed to provide easy-to-understand information about dementia….

Booklet about dementia for children and young people - The milk's in the oven
Posted in _Everything Mental Health Teens

Booklet about dementia for children and young people – The milk’s in the oven

“Booklet about dementia for children and young people – The milk’s in the oven” is a comprehensive resource designed to provide children and young people with information about dementia. Written…

SCODA: Risk assessment of parental drug use and its impact on children Tool
Posted in _Everything Assessment Assessment: Parents Drugs Drugs: Assessment Tools

SCODA: Risk assessment of parental drug use and its impact on children Tool

The CAFCASS SCODA Risk Assessment Checklist is a tool used by social workers to assess the potential risks and protective factors in cases involving parents or caregivers with drug issues….