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Anger Management Skill Cards
“Anger Management Skill Cards” is a resource that consists of twelve cards designed to teach children healthy anger management techniques. Each card features a picture and an idea for managing…
Helping Children Overcome Fears: Short Guide
Fear is a natural part of life, and children are especially prone to experiencing fears. While adults may dismiss children’s fears as trivial, they are very real to the children…
Life Story Work & People with Dementia: Resource Pack
The “Told in South Yorkshire – Life Story Work & People with Dementia” resource pack is a comprehensive guide for professionals and caregivers engaged in life story work for dementia…
Growing up, sex and relationships information leaflet for disabled young people
This leaflet serves as a helpful guide specifically designed for disabled young people to learn about growing up, sex, and relationships. Whether you’re into team sports, have a passion for…
FAS Parenting Children Affectedby Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Daily Living
The “FAS Parenting Children Affectedby Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Daily Living” is a valuable resource for caregivers and professionals working with children affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)….