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Healthy Relationships for Teens Booklet
Healthy Relationships for Teens is a comprehensive workbook designed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to help teenagers understand and build healthy relationships. This resource covers various aspects of…
Free ‘The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress’
“The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress” is a practical guide designed to assist teenagers in managing stress effectively. This workbook offers a…
Nude Selfies- What Parents and Carers Need to Know (Video for parents; online safety)
Film 1 helps parents and carers understand the reasons why young people create and share nude or nearly nude images. Film 2 helps parents and carers learn about effective strategies…
The Substances And Choices Scale – SACS
The Substances and Choices Scale (SACS) is a brief screening and outcome measurement instrument for assessing and monitoring the use and impact of alcohol and drugs in young people. It…
Understanding and Supporting Young People Who Self-Harm Guide
The Beacon House Guide is a crucial resource for understanding and supporting adolescents and teens who self-harm. Designed with empathy and backed by therapeutic expertise, this guide helps parents, teachers,…