This Parenting Positively booklet, created by Barnardos and Tusla, is a practical resource designed to support parents of teenagers during separation or divorce. It provides clear, actionable advice to help parents prioritise their teenager’s emotional and developmental needs during this challenging time. The booklet covers the impact of separation on teenagers, communication tips, and strategies for creating a stable and supportive environment.
It emphasises the importance of maintaining positive relationships, providing reassurance, and involving teenagers in decisions that affect their lives. It also addresses difficult topics such as managing conflict, dealing with new family dynamics, and ensuring teenagers feel heard and valued.
How Can Social Workers and Professionals Use This Booklet?
- Support Parents: Use the booklet to guide parents on how to communicate effectively and prioritise their teenager’s needs during separation.
- Provide Resources: Share this as a resource with families to help them create parenting plans, reduce conflict, and manage transitions.
- Educate Teens: Help teenagers understand their emotions, build resilience, and navigate new family arrangements with the advice offered.
- Address Risks: Identify and mitigate challenges such as family conflict, disrupted routines, or behavioural concerns stemming from separation.
This booklet is a valuable tool for social workers, counsellors, and educators working with families experiencing separation or divorce. It offers straightforward, supportive advice to help parents and teens navigate this period of change with understanding and care.