Helping Your Child Sleep: Guide for Adopters & Foster Carers

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD OF HELPING YOUR ADOPTED/FOSTERED CHILD SLEEP GUIDE FOR ADOPTERS & FOSTER CARERSThe “Helping your Child to Sleep” booklet by Kent Post Adoption Service is a resource aimed at assisting families with adopted children who are struggling with sleep. It acknowledges the higher prevalence of sleep difficulties in this group due to factors such as past traumas and the need for consistent routines. The booklet provides an understanding of the importance of sleep and offers practical advice on improving sleep hygiene, calming bedtime activities, creating a comforting sleep pack, and managing bedtime fears, separation anxiety, and night-time waking. It is a supportive guide for adoptive parents seeking to improve their child’s sleep patterns and overall well-being.


  • Why is sleep important?
  • Sleep difficulties in adopted children
  • How can I help my child sleep?
  • The early days
  • Setting the scene: sleep hygiene
  • Body clock reminders
  • Calming activities to include at bedtime
  • Calming activities before bedtime
  • Creating a sleep pack
  • Creating a ‘Sleep pack’ or ‘Calming box’
  • Fears at bedtime
  • Separation anxiety
  • Night-time waking
  • Nightmares
  • Further resources
  • What do I do if I need more support?
  • References and appendices



Balancing Attachment and Sleep with Adopted Kids Guide

This is an informative guide for adoptive parents. It focuses on managing sleep issues commonly faced in new adoptive families, balancing the need for developing a healthy attachment with achieving a good night’s sleep for all. The guide offers practical strategies for responding to the child’s needs at night, gradually establishing sustainable sleep habits, and includes insights on handling fears and anxieties related to sleep in adopted children.

Balancing Attachment and Sleep with Adopted Kids Guide

Sleep and Sensory Integration: A Guide for Parents

The  booklet provides insights and strategies for parents of children with sensory integration  needs, particularly focusing on sleep challenges. It includes a thorough exploration of how sensory integration impacts sleep, practical sleep interventions, and customised approaches for different needs, including those of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The guide aims to help parents understand and address the unique sleep difficulties their children may face due to sensory processing sensitivities.

Sleep and Sensory Integration: A Guide for Parents