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Words Are Not for Hurting Book
“Words Are Not for Hurting” is a book aimed at children aged 4-7. It emphasises the importance of kind words and teaches children to think before they speak. The book…
A Parent and Carer’s Resource: Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Child
A Parent and Carer’s Resource: Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Child” is a helpful guide developed by Cara-Friend to assist parents and carers in supporting their child or young person who questions…
40 Icebreakers for Small Groups
These 40 icebreakers are simple to use and suitable for a wide age range. They are great with a small youth group and can be used an a small space!…
50 Smart Discipline Tips for Your Child with ADHD (booklet)
The ’50 Smart Discipline Tips for Your Child with ADHD’ is a booklet from ADDitude Magazine providing 50 tips for effectively disciplining children with ADHD. It covers setting clear expectations,…
‘What Makes Me Feel Safe’ Worksheet for Children
The “What Makes Me Feel Safe” worksheet is a tool to help children identify and communicate things that provide them with comfort and a sense of security. Children encouraged to…