Life Story Work & People with Dementia: Resource Pack

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD OF LIFE STORY WORK & PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA: RESOURCE PACKThe “Told in South Yorkshire – Life Story Work & People with Dementia” resource pack is a comprehensive guide for professionals and caregivers engaged in life story work for dementia patients. Life story work is a powerful tool for individuals with dementia, allowing them to connect with their past, share their experiences, and maintain a sense of identity. This pack serves as a valuable resource, emphasizing the importance of this therapeutic approach.

The pack delves into the significance of life story work, shedding light on its benefits for both individuals with dementia and their caregivers. It provides practical insights and strategies on how to initiate and conduct life story work effectively. It includes various creative ways to record a person’s life story, such as life story books, memory boards, digital photo frames, and more, making it accessible and adaptable to different preferences and needs.

A core principle emphasized throughout the pack is the importance of respecting the person’s wishes and ensuring the accuracy and meaningfulness of the content. This person-centered approach is vital in creating a life story that truly reflects the individual’s unique journey and experiences.

In summary, “Told in South Yorkshire – Life Story Work & People with Dementia” is an invaluable resource for professionals and caregivers seeking to engage in life story work for dementia. It empowers them with the knowledge and tools to enhance the quality of care, promote meaningful connections, and enrich the lives of individuals living with dementia.


Introduction to the Pack
Background to Life Story Work
Qualities Needed by the Person Gathering the Life Story
How to Get Started
Ideas on What to Include
Examples of Life Story Work



Life Story Template for People with Dementia

The template is a practical tool for people with dementia to record key aspects of their lives, including family history and preferences. It helps caregivers understand the individual better, ensuring more personalised care. The template is easy to use and can be customised with personal photos and memories, making it a valuable resource in dementia care.

Life Story Template for People with Dementia

Creating a ‘Life Story’ for a Person with Dementia Guide

The guide “Creating a ‘Life Story’ for a Person with Dementia” explains how to compile a personal history for someone with dementia, which can improve communication and care. It outlines various formats for life stories, like books and memory boxes, and emphasises involving the individual in the process. This guide is useful for caregivers and family members to better understand and connect with people with dementia.

Creating a ‘Life Story’ for a Person with Dementia Guide

Personal Life History Booklet Template

The template is designed to help individuals with dementia document their life journey in a detailed and personalised manner. It covers various life stages and aspects, including childhood, family, work, and personal interests. The template encourages the inclusion of photos and personal stories, making it a valuable tool for memory preservation and enhancing care for those with dementia.

Personal Life History Booklet Template

All About Me Booklet for People with Alzheimer’s Disease or Other Dementia

This is a comprehensive tool to document personal details and preferences of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. It includes sections for medical and contact information, daily routines, likes and dislikes, and special considerations. This booklet aids caregivers in providing tailored care and maintaining consistency in the individual’s life, enhancing their comfort and well-being.

All About Me Booklet for People with Alzheimer's Disease or Other Dementia