Safety Planning Through the Eyes of Children: A Workbook for Children Exposed to Family Violence

Safety Planning Through the Eyes of Children: A Workbook for Children Exposed to Family ViolenceThe safety planning booklet was designed for children ages 3-5.

The overreaching goals of this booklet include:

  • The child and parents will learn how to develop a safety plan on a developmental level appropriate for the child’s age.
  • Identification of “mad” feelings, in a developmentally appropriate way, that helps young children understand that their family shows their MAD in unsafe scary ways.
  • The child will enhance safety planning and self-protection skills.
  • The facilitator will identify potential emotional trauma and increase insight into the child’s needs and be able to make additional referrals as needed.
  • The parent will increase empathic responses to their child’s internal world.


Click here to view/download the Safety Planning Booklet

Click here to view/download the Facilitator’s Manual