Tag: Domestic abuse

A Workbook For Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You-thumbnail
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You: A Workbook For Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change

“How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You?A Workbook for Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change” is a detailed and transformative guide designed…

Fluffy Finds a Safe Space Story with Safety Planning Worksheets for Children Dealing with Parents Fighting Free
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Individual work Storybooks

Fluffy Finds a Safe Space: Story with Safety Planning Worksheets for Children Dealing with Parents Fighting

“Fluffy Finds a Safe Space: A Story with Safety Planning Worksheets for Children Dealing with Parents’ Fighting” provides a story, guide for professionals and worksheets to help children think about…

Teen power and control wheel
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Teens

Teen power and control wheel

The ‘Teen power and control wheel’ illustrates different forms of abuse or unhealthy behavior that can occur in teen relationships. It divides these behaviors into several categories: Physical violence –…

Domestic abuse through your child's eyes: Parenting guide
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Domestic abuse through your child’s eyes: Parenting guide

This resource is a guide for parents who have experienced domestic abuse to help them understand the impacts on their children and how to support them. It emphasizes that even…

He takes responsibility for his behaviour He acknowledges and accepts responsibility for what he's done, fully acknowledges that he used abuse to control you and that it was wrong He doesn't blame you, other people, his stress, his job, or any other outside circumstances for his behaviour He is no longer denies his behaviour, makes light of it, or makes excuses for it He acknowledges that he chose to behave this way instead of saying that other people made him do it, or that he can't control himself He fully understands and acknowledges that what he did was wrong He admits lies, he admits what he's done and is not longer making up stories to make himself look better He no longer tries to hide his behaviour from others He understands that recovery from abusiveness takes a long time and he'll have to work at it for a long, long time He understand the effects of his behaviour He understands what his behaviour has cost you He understands fully that you and your children have been hurt by what he's done, and the ways in which you've been hurt He will talk with you in depth (if you want to) about how you feel, your fear, your hurt, your anger, your rights, your lack of trust for him and understands fully that it is his behaviour that has caused it He is sorry for what he's done, and is working hard to overcome the damage he's done and is actively making up for it by giving you back what is rightfully yours - money, rights, freedoms, choices, etc. He understands that it will take his victims a long time to recover from what he's done to them He respects you He is proving to you that he understands that you're a human being with rights and is no longer trying to take them away from you - no more double standards He understands that you're an equal human being, and he's not superior to you He's pulling his weight He respects your opinions, even the ones he disagrees with He accepts your right to be angry with him for what he's done He respects your right to independence and your right to freedom Respect Phoneline – How to tell if your abusive partner is changing He changes his behaviour He is no longer violent in any way He is making a big effort to be non abusive He does not pressure you, intimidate or threaten you He is no longer blocking communication - he listens and respects what you have to say He will discuss with you the controlling behaviours and attitudes he's had You can speak and act freely without him retaliating If he tries to control you, you can point it out to him and he'll stop When you express anger at him, he listens instead of getting angry and trying to shout you down, threatening you or trying to convince you that something's wrong with you for feeling that way He stops interfering in your friendships and family relationships and you are able to re-establish and repair these, and make new friends He stops monitoring your movements, demanding to know where you are and who's there He stops expecting sex on demand He's stopped drinking He's fair with money, allowing you to have your assets in your name, a job if you want He takes responsibility for what he does and how it affects you and the children He no longer treats you like a servant How to tell he’s not changing He continues to be violent in any way He threatens and tries to intimidate you. This will often include threats to attack family and friends, threats to kill you or "put out a contract on you." Threats that he will take the children away or get custody of them himself, or threats to kill himself He badmouths you to the children / others He says "I can't change unless you do" This means that he's trying to get you to agree to give up your rights and freedoms in exchange for him not abusing you He tries to get sympathy from you, family members, and friends He is still lying to you, the children, your family or other people about what he's done He won't acknowledge that it was wrong. He doesn't seem sorry that he did it, he only seems sorry that he has suffered some consequences for it He refuses to let the subject of his abuse come up or gets angry when it does. He won't discuss his controlling behaviours and attitudes. He still tries to deny it, minimize it, excuse it, or justify it He plays victim. He says "How could you do this to me.?" He still whines and blames you for all the problems He is overly charming, always trying to remind you of all the good times you had together and ignore the bad. He tries to buy you back with romantic gifts, dinners, flowers. All while trying to convince you that you need to stay together to work it out He will not get help or says he'll get counselling or other help, but never does Respect Phoneline – How to tell if your abusive partner is changing He does get help and then tries to convince you that he's cured and you need to take him back now He might suddenly claim to have found God; he goes to church a few times He cries and begs, particularly in a public situation so that you are embarrassed and appear to be "cold hearted'' He does things to try to sabotage your efforts to make it on your own He harasses or stalks you. If you ask him for space or time, he refuses to allow you to have any and continues to make contact in any way he can. Harassment by phone calls, threats, legal frustrations, showing up at work, hanging around family. He continues to restrict your rights. He still behaves as if he's superior. You aren't able to express yourself and speak freely He still demands constant attention, won't allow you to take care of your own needs He still picks at you and criticizes you, and ignores your strengths and contributions to the relationship He doesn't support your independence, still refuses to acknowledge that you have rights He puts his wants and needs above yours He doesn't recognize the damage he's done. He gets angry with you over the consequences you've suffered over his abuse He's mad or seems confused as to why you fear him, don't trust him, are hurt, and angry He tries to get out of the consequences by trying to convince you that something's wrong with you He's mad that you left, instead of recognizing your right to have done so He still acts like you owe him He's impatient or critical with you for not forgiving him immediately, for not being satisfied with the changes he may have already made, especially if he hasn't made the changes you requested, or hasn't changed but claims he has He's only concerned with how hard the situation is for him, and no one else. He feels sorry for himself He doesn't show appropriate concern for how you and the children feel about what he's done. Abuse does more than just hurt, it is damaging, and if he doesn't show appropriate concern for the damage he's done, then he hasn't changed He says he can only change if you help him, he wants emotional support and forgiveness He says "I'm changing" but you can see that he's not. He gets angry with you for not realizing how much he's changed. He gets angry for not trusting that he's changed for good. Abusive men often say I'm sorry then get mad if you don't immediately forget what they did, he thinks his sorry resolves the matter and it should be dropped and you should just move forward He pressures you into taking him back
Posted in Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

How to tell if your abusive partner is changing guide

The “How to Tell If Your Abusive Partner Is Changing Guide” is a comprehensive resource that aims to help individuals in abusive relationships identify signs of genuine change in their…

Domestic abuse worksheets for children
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

Domestic abuse worksheets for children

“Domestic Abuse Worksheets for Children” is a valuable resource designed to support children who have been affected by domestic abuse. The workbook contains a collection of worksheets that aim to…

Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Individual work

Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse

“Safety Planning with Children & Youth: Domestic Abuse” is a comprehensive resource designed to assist professionals, caregivers, and individuals working with children and young people who have been impacted by…

Programme for victims and survivors of domestic abuse - The Power to Change
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents Group work

Programme for victims and survivors of domestic abuse – The Power to Change

The Power to Change booklet is a valuable resource for setting up and running support groups for domestic violence survivors. It covers topics such as facilitator competencies, group development and…

Domestic abuse: educational toolkit - activities & resources for children/young people
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Group work Individual work

Domestic abuse: educational toolkit – activities & resources for children/young people

The “Spiralling” educational toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to address and prevent domestic abuse among children and young people. It features a compelling short film that portrays an abusive…

Teen relationship abuse: Safety Plan
Posted in _Everything CSE CSE, CCE & Sexual Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Sexual abuse Teens

Teen relationship abuse: Safety Plan

The Teen Relationship Abuse Safety Plan is a comprehensive and practical guide specifically designed to assist teenagers who are experiencing abuse in their relationships. The safety plan focuses on different…

I Have Two Homes - video story for children about separation/divorce
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Videos

I Have Two Homes – video story for children about separation/divorce

“I Have Two Homes” is a video story designed for children who are experiencing separation or divorce in their families. This honest and heartfelt story follows the journey of Nina…

Personal Development Programme for children affected by domestic abuse
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Personal Development Programme for children affected by domestic abuse

The Personal Development Programme for children affected by domestic abuse is designed to support children and young people who have experienced domestic violence. These individuals often struggle with low self-esteem…

Safety planning tool for children affected by domestic abuse
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

Safety planning tool for children affected by domestic abuse

The Safety Planning Tool for children affected by domestic abuse is a valuable resource aimed at helping children and young people develop strategies to keep themselves safe in situations involving…

6 session feelings programme for children affected by domestic abuse
Posted in _Everything Activities Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

6 session feelings programme for children affected by domestic abuse

The 6 session Feelings Programme is a structured guide designed to help children and young people who have been affected by domestic abuse develop a better understanding of their emotions…

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for CHILDREN aged 6 to 12
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for CHILDREN aged 6 to 12

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for CHILDREN aged 6 to 12 is a valuable resource designed to support children and their parents who are experiencing domestic abuse. The booklet aims…

Helping teenagers to cope with Domestic Abuse booklet
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents Teens

Helping teenagers to cope with Domestic Abuse booklet

“Helping teenagers to cope with Domestic Abuse” booklet aims to provide support and guidance for teenagers and parents dealing with domestic abuse. The booklet covers the following key points: Understanding…

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for PARENTS of children between 6 and 12
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for PARENTS of children between 6 and 12

Coping with domestic abuse: Booklet for PARENTS of children between 6 and 12 is a valuable resource designed to support parents in creating a safe and nurturing environment for their…

A Self Help Guide to Controlling Anger booklet for adults
Posted in _Everything Anger Mental Health

A Self Help Guide to Controlling Anger booklet for adults

“A Self Help Guide to Controlling Anger” is a comprehensive booklet designed to assist adults in recognising and managing anger-related issues. With36 pages of valuable information and practical worksheets, this…

Children and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet Series
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Children and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet Series

The Children and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet Series is a comprehensive set of 10 fact sheets specifically created for parents whose children have been impacted by domestic violence. These fact…

Duluth Using Children Post Separation Power and Control Wheel
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Duluth Using Children Post Separation Power and Control Wheel

The ‘Duluth Using Children Post Separation Power and Control Wheel’ from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs illustrates tactics used by domestic abuse perpetrators to continue abuse post-separation, with a focus…

Healthy Relationships Workbook (for people with learning difficulties)
Posted in _Everything Activities Disability & Health Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents Learning Difficulties

Healthy Relationships Workbook (for people with learning difficulties)

The “Healthy Relationship Workbook” is a valuable resource designed to support individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities in understanding and navigating healthy relationships. This workbook, written in plain English and…

Cycle of Violence Explanation Tool
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Cycle of Violence Explanation Tool

The Cycle of Violence Explanation Tool is a valuable resource that helps individuals understand the complex dynamics of domestic abuse. This tool provides a clear explanation of the cycle of…

Children’s Domestic Violence Wheel (Tool)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Children’s Domestic Violence Wheel (Tool)

The Children’s Domestic Violence Wheel is a valuable tool used by social workers to illustrate how domestic abuse impacts children. It serves as a visual aid to facilitate conversations with…

Little eyes, little ears: How violence against mother shapes children as they grow (Booklet)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children Domestic Abuse: Parents

Little eyes, little ears: How violence against mother shapes children as they grow (Booklet)

This resource, titled “Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against a Mother Shapes Children as They Grow,” is a valuable tool for social workers and professionals. It provides essential insights…

Domestic Violence Safety Plan (6 pages)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Domestic Violence Safety Plan (6 pages)

The Domestic Violence Safety Plan (6 pages) is a powerful resource designed to empower women and protect both themselves and their children during incidents of domestic abuse. This comprehensive plan…

Managing jealousy leaflet
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Managing jealousy leaflet

This is a 4-page leaflet offering guidance on constructively dealing with jealousy in relationships. It is designed to help people recognise and change controlling or abusive behaviours stemming from jealousy….

Handbook for men concerned about their abusive behaviours towards those they love
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Handbook for men concerned about their abusive behaviours towards those they love

This 32-page handbook aims to help men concerned about their abusive behaviours make positive changes in their relationships. It takes an empathetic, non-judgemental approach to spur self-reflection on topics like…

Booklet: Information for men who are concerned about their behaviour towards their female partners
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

Booklet: Information for men who are concerned about their behaviour towards their female partners

The booklet aims to support men using violence or abuse towards female partners or ex-partners to change their behaviour. It takes a direct yet compassionate approach to spur self-reflection on…

Visitation Through the Eyes of Children: A Safety Planning Workbook for Children Exposed to Family Violence
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

Visitation Through the Eyes of Children: A Safety Planning Workbook for Children Exposed to Family Violence

Visitation Through the Eyes of Children is a supportive workbook designed to help children navigate the emotional and practical challenges of visitation arrangements after family separation due to domestic violence….

Family Court Through the Eyes of Children A Workbook for Children whose Families Have Gone to Court due to Family Violence
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

Family Court Through the Eyes of Children: A Workbook for Children whose Families Have Gone to Court due to Family Violence

This workbook, Family Court Through the Eyes of Children, is a supportive resource designed to help children understand and cope with the challenges of family violence and the legal processes…