Tag: Domestic abuse

Safety Planning Through the Eyes of Children: A Workbook for Children Exposed to Family Violence
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Children

Safety Planning Through the Eyes of Children: A Workbook for Children Exposed to Family Violence

This workbook, Safety Planning Through the Eyes of Children, is a practical resource designed to help children who have been exposed to family violence. Created by Lindy Swimm, MAE, LCSW,…

The Power and Control Wheel (The Duluth Model)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

The Power and Control Wheel (The Duluth Model)

The Power and Control Wheel is a powerful tool designed to explain the various ways abusers use manipulation, dominance, and violence to control their partners in relationships. Developed as part…

The Domestic Violence Risk Identification Matrix (DVRIM)
Posted in _Everything Assessment Assessment: Parents Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Assessment Domestic Abuse: Parents

Barnardo’s Domestic Violence Risk Identification Matrix – Assessing the risks to children from male to female domestic violence

The Domestic Violence Risk Identification Matrix (DVRIM) is a detailed and practical resource created by Barnardo’s to assess risks to children and families impacted by domestic violence. This tool helps…

The Equality Wheel (The Duluth Model)
Posted in _Everything Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse: Parents

The Equality Wheel (The Duluth Model)

The Equality Wheel is a straightforward tool created as part of the Duluth Model to show what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like. It highlights the key behaviors and…