Free ‘The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food’

The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food“The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food” is a comprehensive guide designed to help teenagers overcome common eating challenges such as stress eating, emotional eating, and binge eating. This transformative workbook takes a non-diet approach and promotes body positivity, encouraging teens to develop a healthy and intuitive relationship with food.

With an emphasis on self-empowerment, the workbook introduces key principles of intuitive eating and provides practical exercises and activities to help teens connect with their bodies and honor their hunger and fullness cues. By cultivating body positivity and learning to listen to their body’s natural signals, teens can develop lifelong habits that support their overall well-being.

This workbook is an invaluable resource for teenagers seeking to develop a healthier relationship with food, parents looking to support their child’s journey, and professionals working with adolescents. Through its engaging exercises and insightful content, this book provides a roadmap for teenagers to break free from restrictive diets, embrace their bodies, and nourish themselves in a balanced and sustainable way.


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: What’s Wrong with Dieting?
    • Activity 1: Understanding the Problem with Diets
    • Activity 2: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Dieting
    • Activity 3: Feeling the Power of Deprivation
    • Activity 4: Dieting Leads to Necessary Rebellion
    • Activity 5: Intuitive Eating Is All About Autonomy
    • Activity 6: Getting Rid of the Diet Mentality
  • Chapter 2: Savor and Be Satisfied!
    • Activity 7: What Needs to Change?
    • Activity 8: Choosing the Foods You Crave
    • Activity 9: Why Dieting Is No Fun
    • Activity 10: Finding a Sense of Satisfaction
    • Activity 11: Appearance Can Be Appealing
    • Activity 12: Feeling Body Satisfaction
    • Activity 13: Planning a Satisfying Meal
    • Activity 14: Exploring Your Eating Environment: Distractions and Speed
    • Activity 15: Exploring Your Eating Environment: Hunger and Emotion
    • Activity 16: Exploring Your Eating Environment: Conflict and Chaos
    • Activity 17: Satisfaction: Seeing the Big Picture
  • Chapter 3: Your License To Eat What You Like
    • Activity 18: Identifying Your Food Rules
    • Activity 19: Recognizing Where Your Food Rules Come From
    • Activity 20: Breaking Your Food Rules—and Letting them Go
    • Activity 21: Understanding Habituation
    • Activity 22: Tracking What You Eat For a Week
    • Activity 23: Food Rules and Friends
    • Activity 24: Exploring Your Favorite Foods
  • Chapter 4: Banishing the Food Police
    • Activity 25: Spotting the Food Police
    • Activity 26: Challenging the Food Police: Getting Started
    • Activity 27: Challenging the Food Police: Banishing Black-and-White Thinking
    • Activity 28: Challenging the Food Police: The Trap of Perfectionism
    • Activity 29: Challenging the Food Police: Using “For the Most Part” Thinking
    • Activity 30: Exploring How Your Feelings Affect Your Actions
    • Activity 31: Speaking Up for Yourself
  • Chapter 5: Do You Hear Your Stomach Growling?
    • Activity 32: Getting In Touch with Physical Hunger: Signals
    • Activity 33: Getting In Touch with Physical Hunger: Rating Your Signals
    • Activity 34: Testing Out Taste Hunger
    • Activity 35: Emotional Hunger
    • Activity 36: Experience-Sharing Hunger
    • Activity 37: Energy-Seeking Hunger
    • Activity 38: Setups for Negative Outcomes
  • Chapter 6: Full and Comfortable
    • Activity 39: What Fullness Feels Like
    • Activity 40: Learning to Identify Fullness: Staying Present
    • Activity 41: Learning to Identify Fullness: Eating Slowly
    • Activity 42: Learning to Identify Fullness: Avoiding Primal Hunger
    • Activity 43: Learning to Identify Fullness: Starting to Eat When You’re Comfortably Hungry
    • Activity 44: Learning To Identify Fullness: Paying Attention to Why You Start Eating
    • Activity 45: Learning To Identify Fullness: Navigating Family Rules
  • Chapter 7: Is Food Your Frenemy?
    • Activity 46: Understanding Why People Eat
    • Activity 47: Practicing Compassion
    • Activity 48: Practicing Gratitude
    • Activity 49: Exploring Your Range of Emotions
    • Activity 50: Practicing Self-Care
    • Activity 51: Finding Balance
    • Activity 52: Feeling the Power of Nurturance
    • Activity 53: Building Your Emotional Muscle: Sit with Difficult Feelings
    • Activity 54: Building Your Emotional Muscle: Allow the Sadness of Saying “Enough”
    • Activity 55: Building Your Emotional Muscle: Get to Know What You Feel and What You Really Need
    • Activity 56: Using Helpful Distraction
    • Activity 57: Preparing and Rehearsing
  • Chapter 8: Your Body: Temple, Fortress, or Foe?
    • Activity 58: Temple, Fortress, or Foe?
    • Activity 59: Unlocking the Door to the Fortress
    • Activity 60: Showing Yourself Compassion, Once Again
    • Activity 61: Rejecting the Foe
    • Activity 62: Making Your Body Your Temple
    • Activity 63: Accepting Mother Nature’s Plan
    • Activity 64: Recognizing the Many Miraculous Things Your Body Can Do
    • Activity 65: Finding Even More Gratitude
    • Activity 66: Taking Care of Your Body’s Needs
    • Activity 67: Saying Nice Things About Your Body
    • Activity 68: Wearing Comfortable Clothes You Enjoy
    • Activity 69: Doing Nurturing Things for Your Body
    • Activity 70: Stopping Comparisons
    • Activity 71: Changing Your Social Media Habits
  • Chapter 9: Joyful Movement
    • Activity 72: Every Living Thing Moves!
    • Activity 73: Exploring Exercise vs. Movement
    • Activity 74: Learning About NEAT
    • Activity 75: Being Sedentary
    • Activity 76: Wondering About Exercise Resistance
    • Activity 77: Why Include Movement?
    • Activity 78: Recognizing Overexercising
  • Chapter 10: From Nutrition to Play Food—Room For It All
    • Activity 79: Figuring Out If You’re Really Ready for Nutrition Facts
    • Activity 80: Paying Attention to How Eating Can Affect How You Feel
    • Activity 81: Learning Exactly What Nutrition Is
    • Activity 82: Exploring How Play Food Fits In
    • Activity 83: Learning About Commonsense Nutrition
    • Activity 84: Putting It All Together



Overcoming Your Binge Eating Disorder: 40 Therapeutic Activities to Free You from the Guilt, Shame, and Self-Loathing of Binge Eating Disorder

“Overcoming Your Binge Eating Disorder: 40 Therapeutic Activities to Free You from the Guilt, Shame, and Self-Loathing of Binge Eating Disorder” is a comprehensive workbook offering practical activities and exercises to help individuals overcome binge eating disorder (BED). It provides techniques to understand and manage the psychological aspects of BED, aiming to reduce the associated feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem, while promoting healthier eating habits and emotional well-being.

Overcoming Your Binge Eating Disorder 40 Therapeutic Activities to Free You from the Guilt, Shame, and Self-Loathing of Binge Eating Disorder-thumbnail