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Autism, My Sibling, and Me – colorful workbook (for young sibling)
“Autism, My Sibling, and Me” is a colorful workbook specifically designed to engage and support young children who have a sibling with autism. Filled with vibrant illustrations and cartoon characters,…
Teach Kids About Autism: Kit for Kids Engaging Programme
The “Teach Kids About Autism: Kit for Kids” is an engaging program designed to educate elementary and middle school students about autism and promote inclusivity in the classroom. The kit…
Young person’s guide to understanding and coping with emotions
“These Things Called Emotions: A Young Person’s Guide to Understanding and Coping with Emotions” is a powerful and empowering resource for young individuals seeking to embrace their emotions with confidence…
Parenting in Pictures guides – babies, children & teens, pregnancy, food & nutrition
The “Parenting in Pictures guides” is a valuable online resource offering practical assistance for parents and caregivers across various age groups. These illustrated guides provide step-by-step instructions for daily care…
Help keep children safe online (guide for parents)
The “Parents’ Guide to Being Share Aware” is an essential handbook aimed at helping parents navigate the complexities of keeping their children safe online. Specifically tailored for parents of children…