Strengthening Family Ties: A Workbook of Activities Designed to Strengthen Family Relationships offers a collection of enjoyable activities to enhance family functioning in five key areas: Building Trust, Family Support, Kindness, Communication, and Working Together. The workbook suggests starting with the Building Trust section and then selecting activities based on the family’s specific needs, time availability, and circumstances.
The Building Trust activities focus on establishing a foundation of trust within the family. The workbook provides engaging exercises such as “What If,” “Spotlights,” “Expressing Individuality,” and “Puzzle Pieces.” Following this section, families can explore activities related to Family Support, Kindness, Communication, and Working Together.
By participating in these activities, families can strengthen their bonds, improve communication, foster kindness and empathy, and collaborate effectively as a team. The workbook offers a variety of options to suit different family structures and schedules, allowing families to tailor their experience to their unique circumstances. Through these intentional efforts, families can cultivate stronger relationships, deepen understanding, and create a harmonious and loving family environment.
Building Trust
- What If
- Spotlights
- Expressing Individuality
- Puzzle Pieces
Family Support
- Family Dates
- Family Tradition
- Getting to Know You
- Circle of Friends
- Family Awards Night
- Coupons of Kindness
- Affection
- Helping Others
- Forgiveness
- Empathy
- Understanding Non-verbal Communication
- Precision Communication
- Hints of Anger
- Family Communication Center
- Family Meetings
Working Together
- Making a Cake
- Establishing Family Rules
- Grandma’s Rules
- My Responsibilities
- Family Court